6 Reasons Why SEO Trumps SMO in Brands’ Overall Digital Strategy

While both SEO and SMO are important for driving traffic and improving online visibility, SEO is generally considered to be more effective for long-term results. This is because search engines like Google, Bing, etc. are the primary way that people find new websites and new information online. In 2023, it is likely that the majority of internet users will continue to rely on search engines as their primary source of information, and SEO will continue to be a crucial strategy for driving organic traffic to a website.

Here are some reasons why SEO trumps SMO in 2023:

1. Search engines like Google, continue to dominate the online landscape

In 2023, it is likely that the majority of internet users will continue to rely on search engines as their primary source of information. As a result, SEO will continue to be an essential strategy for driving organic traffic to a website.

2. SEO is a long-term strategy

SEO is a long-term strategy that requires a significant investment of time and resources to achieve results. It can take several months or even years to see the benefits of an SEO campaign, but once the results are achieved they tend to be more sustainable than those of social media optimization.

3. Greater ROI

SEO generally delivers a greater return on investment (ROI) than SMO. While social media can drive quick results and generate leads, organic traffic from search engines tends to be more sustainable, and over the long-term can generate greater revenue for the business.

4. Search intent

With the advent of AI and ML, search engines are getting better and better at understanding the intent behind a user’s query. This means that people are getting more accurate results when they search for something, as search engines can now understand what the person is looking for, which is a huge advantage for SEO over SMO.

5. SEO is not limited by algorithm updates

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc. can change their algorithms from time to time, which can affect the visibility of your posts. SEO is not affected by these changes, which make it more stable over the long term.

6. SEO can go hand in hand with SMO

SEO and SMO can be used together to create a more comprehensive online presence. For example, content that is shared on social media platforms can be optimized to improve search engine rankings.

In conclusion…

SEO and SMO are both important for driving traffic and improving online visibility, and the best strategy for a business will depend on the unique needs and goals of that business. However, SEO tends to be more effective for long-term results and driving organic traffic, and is likely to continue to be a crucial strategy in 2023.

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